第28回 2012年 ドイツ・脱原発の選択

第28回 日本ドイツ学会大会


  • 開催日:2012年7月7日(土)
  • 会 場:東京大学大学院数理科学研究科 大講義室(駒場キャンパス)



  • 開催時刻:10時20分-17時30分
  • 司会:村山聡(香川大学アーツ・サイエンス研究院教授)・藤原辰史(東京大学農学生命科学研究科講師)
1.ドイツにおける核廃棄物問題 佐藤温子(リューネブルク大学民主主義研究センター博士候補生)


2.ドイツ環境政策の複雑さを理解する ― 環境政策史的アプローチによる問題提起 喜多川進(山梨大学生命環境学部地域社会システム学科講師)


3.基調講演 〈核〉危機と政策転換 ― 福島後のドイツと日本
(Nuclear Crisis and Policy Change: Germany and Japan after Fukushima) Miranda A. Schreurs(ミランダ・A. シュラーズ ベルリン自由大学教授・環境政策研究センター所長)

Germany is in the midst of an energy revolution. Nuclear, coal, oil and gas are to be replaced through large-scale energy efficiency improvements and the development of renewable electricity. This transition is not without its pain, costs or difficulties, but is in the long run expected to bring new jobs and industries and make Germany a leader in the green energy field. In the early 1990s, Germany had only about 3 percent of its electricity from renewables. By 2012, this figure had climbed to about 20 percent. What changed is that as early efforts at promoting renewables paid off, an increasingly powerful community of actors supportive of more sustainable energy structures formed. By the time the Energy and Climate Package of 2010 was formulated by the conservative government of Angela Merkel, basically a cross-party consensus had formed on the importance of tackling climate change and promoting renewable energy development. Germany has basically set out to break both its dependence on traditional fossil fuels and nuclear energy through the promotion of renewable energies and energy efficiency. By 2020, the plan is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% of 1990 levels (as of 2011, emissions were 27% below) and 80-95% by 2050. This is to be done through sharp improvements in energy efficiency and a strong expansion in renewable energies (80% of electricity is to be from renewables by 2050 and 35-40% by 2020).  These figures are to be achieved while simultaneously phasing out dependence on nuclear energy.  Essentially by being a pioneer among manufacturing economies in promoting new renewables, Germany is setting out to establish an energy system that will be both low carbon and resource sustainable. To the extent this model spreads to other regions of Europe as well as Japan, it has the potential to be a powerful motor of change towards sustainability.
ミランダ・A. シュラーズ氏の講演は日本語でおこなわれました。

4.脱原子力の運動と政治 ― 日独比較の観点から 本田宏(北海学園大学法学部政治学科教授)


5.ドイツにおける原子力施設反対運動の担い手たち ― 人々はなぜ運動に身を投じてきたのか? 青木聡子(名古屋大学環境学研究科専任講師)


6.『イエロー・ケーキ ~ クリーンなエネルギーという嘘』 抜粋上映 2005-2010 監督:ヨアヒム・チルナー
7.Beispiele zum Energieautarken Wohnbau in Japan Oskar Bartenstein (O.バルテンシュタイン IFCJ株エコライフラボ)

Der Kurzvortrag stellt mit konkreten Projekten Motivation und Technik energieautarken Bauens in Japan vor. Angesprochen werden dabei auch ein paar harte wirtschaftliche und gesetzliche Unterschiede zu Deutschland – wichtige Randbedingungen, die vielmals als “kulturell bedingt” missverstanden werden.
